Roselyne Chane

Presentamos un nuevo capítulo de #ZyrcularTalks, esta vez con Roselyne Chane, directora general en Alimentos Sanygran. La empresa nació hace más de 20 años, con el objetivo de desarrollar alimentos plant-based saludables y sostenibles.

We present a new chapter of #ZyrcularTalks, this time with Roselyne Chane, CEO of Alimentos Sanygran. The company was formed over 20 years with the goal of developing healthy, sustainable, plant-based foods.

What will we find in this chapter?

  • Alimentos Sanygran's objectives... What is their proposal for developing healthier, more sustainable foods?
  • The discovery of extrusion as a technology for processing meat analogues.
  • And fermentation as a technique for improving the flavour of plant-based products.